If ‘hard landscaping’ of a garden creates the structure of a garden, it is the planting of a garden that brings about the emotional response to it. Whether Seymours Landscapes designs and builds your garden for you or we design a planting scheme within an existing landscape, we will provide and plant a collection of plants, shrubs and trees that will compliment their surroundings and suit your personal taste and preferences.
In arriving at a plant collection, Kate our planting designer, will use her considerable artistic talent and sound horticultural knowledge in juggling many variables, for example the height and spread of each plant at maturity. Aesthetic considerations also, such as scent, colour, texture and form are fundamental in forming the character of your new garden.
You might choose a cottage garden theme, with plenty of herbaceous perennials, or perhaps a formal garden with greater use of woody shrubs and architectural plants; or a more contemporary scheme that may contain more grasses, ferns and bamboos.
Often we are given a general brief, such as a low maintenance garden or preference for a dominant colour and a list of favourite plants, rather than a particular style. Seymours Landscapes’ planting designer will marry these wishes with the practical considerations such as soil type, aspect, hardiness, maintenance requirement and invasiveness. Planting design always requires a compromise between these many factors, but Seymours Landscapes will ensure that the main priorities are satisfied first. It is essential that the right plant finds its right place in a scheme.
We always recommend a planting density that will allow a scheme to mature over a period of 3 to 5 years. This is for good reason. Herbaceous plants, shrubs and trees in their myriad of varieties all have different habits and make different sizes at maturity. Nursery sized plants establish more reliably and more quickly; they will give a good show in their first year and grow-on into the space we will leave for them. This will prevent the need later for wholesale pruning or even removal of plants that have over-grown their situation. Nevertheless, if you need an instant effect, a screen or even a single specimen, we will be pleased to design your planting scheme with this in mind.
We are not limited in scope by being tied to one supplier of plants. Though based here in Cobham Seymours Landscapes’ planting services draws its plants from the best nurseries and importers throughout Surrey, giving us a huge range of the plant material that is commercially available.
Under the terms of our guarantee we will return free of charge to inspect and replace any plant that has failed to establish. Following on, we would be pleased to quote for irrigation, which with any necessary adjustment by your good selves will see your collection of plants through its first crucial growing season thereafter. If irrigation is fitted, subject to certain exclusions our warranty will extend to include the whole of the first growing season.
You will find our offices in Greenways, Lyne, Chertsey KT16 0AL, (we were previously based at Squire's Cobham Garden Centre). Please call us to arrange a meeting, either in our office or at your homeCALL NOW
Office: 01932 808388